Sunday, January 29, 2012

NOTD: Modern Tribal Nail Art

I'll be very honest with you all, this was not intentional.  I actually had a design in mind, then I f *cked up and basically got annoyed and started making slashes on my nails LOL!  Then this design appeared, and I actually liked it.  Total fluke really, but when I showed my friend she told me it looked like a modern tribal, so thanks Lulu, you described this very accurately :)

So I hope you enjoy even though I took it late last night with instagram (I told you I'm loving instagram)

Base: RBL Stormy
Design created using Models own pen

This is a more accurate depiction of the RBL's Stormy :)

Total Mess? or Controlled Chaos?
Be Honest, I have thick skin :p xxxx


  1. Controlled chaos! I really like this look.

    1. Thanks girl!!! I thought it worked in a cluttered type of way lol.

  2. they look so good, defiantly controlled chaos :)

  3. I agree! Controlled Chaos. I like it. Stormy is a beautiful grey.

  4. This is awesome!!! Controlled chaos all the way!
