Thursday, February 2, 2012

30 Day Beauty Challenge: Day 11 Bag you want to have

I want to apologize as I'm about to sound like a broken record. LOL!  Today's challenge is to talk about the bag that I want to have.  Well, if you follow my blog, you know that the bag I want to have has not changed in the last year, and I think I talk about it nonstop hahaha!! I know it's annoying, so I'm apologizing right now hahaha.

For those who have clicked for the first time, you will learn what bag I want to have, and if you stick around, you'll hear me talk about it again as well, so I'm apologising in advance too hahaha.

The bag I want is the Rococo by Alexander Wang (BIG SHOCKER)
I featured this bag in a previous challenge post that talked about my ideal outfit.
I want it in either black or grey, with either gold hardware...heck I'll even take silver as long as it isn't rose gold hardware.   I have to have it, but the money gods are not looking favorable upon me these days, so it is all something that remains in my dreams....and have remained in my dreams for the last year.  I've picked this bag up, inspected it at several different stores, and painfully walk away (hahaha, sorry for the drama).  I shall have you one day Rococo!!!! You shall be mine. bwahahahahaah!!!!

Ok, so now that you put up with another post about me talking about this bag, I am going to cut that portion of the post short, and talk about other fun things in random bullet point formats as I'm rushing to do this to meet a 1pm deadline on another project (it is currently 12:35, eckkk!!).

* I'm going to the London IMAT's this Saturday for the first time.  I feel super guilty about going there and spending money that I technically don't have, but fortunately for me, I got a press pass and I feel like it's a waste if I don't go.  Plus, I'm dying to actually see the Hakuhodo brushes in real life.

* I had some business cards made up for free, so I wanted to show you them.  They are just cheeky little cards, nothing fancy or special, but they are funny looking lol

*  I've recently been obsessed about learning the history of my country (Korea) after I learned that my country was once split into 3 kingdoms and one of the kingdoms had 3 queens.  That is such a big shock for me to hear for so many reasons.  So I've been geeking out online trying to find out more about the Queens of past Korea.
* I'm embracing myself as in 2 weeks, I will technically have 2 jobs.  Some of you may know that I haven't worked for anyone in the last 1.5 years, and going back to actually working for someone is nerve racking, but it's not in a corporate setting, so I'm very happy about that.  Wish me luck!!!

* Since I'm starting a new job which requires me to be on my feet most of the day, I'm looking for comfy flats and low heel boots...fashionable ones at that, and cheap too.  That combination has been quite hard to find.  So I've spent many endless nights scouring the web for these, any suggestions? Please comment below.  I don't want to spend more than £30 as I will probably required several pairs.

* I have an upcoming interview with this awesome Etsy shop, and special discount to all of Tokki & Oliver's readers - so check back as I'll probably post this up sometime before Friday night.

* I still have a few things left in my blog sale, so please check that out too.  Postage is free within the U.K., and the link for the blog sale can be found on the top header.

* Last but not least, come and enter my giveaway.

Lucky I type fast, it is now 12:44 and I will have 16 minutes to finish something up, so I'm going to say goodbye to you all now.  :) Have a lovely day everyone !!!

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